Turning activists into trained staffers.

Have you considered working on a campaign or running for office? Feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, or confused by the whole thing? You don’t know what you don’t know.

These are normal and valid feelings. And unfortunately for you, it’s by design.

But we’re here for you.

Ready to Learn More?

What is SOAR?


Ask for advice from our political consulting team, read policy guides, and get early exclusive access to helpful campaign templates and resources.


Gain knowledge, skill, and confidence from our self-paced online training program, complete with templates and resources to help you lead the campaign to victory. 


Connect with a progressive network, access our free resources, and attend our free events. Log in here or sign up for free now.







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Why choose SOAR? There’s a lot of options out there, and you have enough decisions to make.

Here’s what makes this choice simple:

  • Live personalized support every week: Every week, you’ll have access to one of our team members to ask questions and get guidance on your campaign in office hours. How many classes let you have personal time with a professional political consultant, where you can check in,  ask questions, and get personalized feedback? We can think of one.

  • Flexible, self-paced schedule: Go as fast or slow as you need to. Working a full-time job and don’t have time to do a cohort or live in-person thing? With SOAR, you can choose exactly when, where, and what you want to learn. SOAR is efficient, intentional, and takes just 10 hours to complete. 

  • Granular, in-depth training: Most consultants only tell you what to do, but we’ll show you how to do it. We want you to walk away with the skills you need to run a winning campaign. Every trained operative means one more person to support Democrats getting elected to office. Isn’t that why we’re all here?  

  • Free community: Politics is all about connections. SOAR gives you access to a whole network of Democrats & progressives for free, where you can build relationships, attend free educational events, check out our how-to resources, and so much more.

  • Access to professionals: Our Core Members Space and Academy both give you front-row access to our team of professional political consultants for questions or advice. We all want the same thing: change-makers in office. Let us help you.

This is your square one.

What Our Alum Say